mini felt christmas tree ornaments - lazy style - momgineer

mini felt christmas tree ornaments - lazy style

A friend was telling me how much her kids were enjoying their felt Christmas tree and I thought, "I should make one of those!" but I didn't have any giant pieces of green felt and wasn't in the mood for a large sky blue or pale gray tree (those are the only large pieces of felt in my stash). I *did* have small pieces of green felt, so I immediately thought "ornaments!"

We make ornaments every year (link takes you to ornaments we've done in the last few years). We have made a few others, but these were just too cute not to share:

What you need:
  • Felt (cut to resemble something tree-like)
  • Buttons or other "ornament" decorations
  • Velcro sticky-back dots (or glue, but I pity the fool who gives a young child felt + glue)
  • Ornament hooks
When dealing with felt, I always grab Velcro sticky-back dots. I love these things. I can't tell you how many times they've come in handy for something (to secure markers to Nature Bingo, to make a functional open/close door on a cardboard box play oven, to make a target practice game, etc.). Use the rough sticky dot, not the soft one. It clings to the felt.

Yeah. LOVE them.
Stick the Velcro on the back of some buttons. I had to cut the Velcro for the small buttons.
Stick, stick, stick. Don't like how it looks? Move your buttons around. Easy peasy!
My kids loved this! I even found some stars they could stick on, too. After they were done, I poked an ornament hook through the top. The end! I know they will love to do this over and over. They asked to make more so I need to find more green felt! This is by far the most mess-free, easy-to-prep, easy-to-clean up ornament we have done. =)

momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

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