Free Resource Library and STEM Group - momgineer

Free Resource Library and STEM Group

Signing up for the newsletter / email list is free and easy! In the newsletter, I often include links to new and exclusive freebies as well as giveaways and other events you might find relevant. As a thank you, you will gain access to the free resource library, which includes a set of STEM Tower Challenge cards as well as many other goodies:



Feel free to email me!
I LOVE to hear from  fellow educators! Whether you have a helpful tip you'd like to share with the group, or you have questions you think I could help you answer, please do feel free to contact me at

Join the STEM Club

I would also encourage you to join an interactive group of STEM educators for informal discussions about everything in our field. Whether it's linking up a great lesson you found, asking for suggestions on which STEM materials would work best for your kids, or even wondering how to set up your first Makerspace you can join our FREE STEM Teachers Group on Facebook!

momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

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