February 2011 - momgineer

craft stick match up

craft stick match up

I saw a game like this posted somewhere else (I can't recall where, but if you have seen it please let me know so I can link it!). This would also be fun with large craft sticks and letters, numbers, or rhyming words. What you need: an even number of craft sticks markers 1. ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

napkin rolling and folding

napkin rolling and folding

Napkin folding and rolling are practical life activities that can become part of your child's a daily meal routine. You don't need fancy napkins or napkin rings. You can make your own napkin rings by cutting toilet paper or paper towel tubes and decorating them with ribbon or fabric. ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

Wagon Wheel Pasta Gear Train

Wagon Wheel Pasta Gear Train

Exploring Gears with PASTA! I dyed some pasta one night to use for some crafts. One of the kinds I had was mini wagon wheels, and when I brought them inside from drying in the garage overnight, my brain was chanting "gears!" so I grabbed some toothpicks and cardboard boxes and ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

easy puzzle

easy puzzle

This is an easy activity that can be done with plain paper, cardboard, etc. Cut as few or as many pieces as you want. I cut jigsaw-style pieces this time but have done plain straight or curved pieces in the past, in a simple woodboard style for infants and toddlers. A colorful shirt ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

children's garden

children's garden

It doesn't take much to start a garden, and you can do something as small as an indoor herb garden in a single pot, or an extensive vegetable garden outside. My kids love to expand seedling pellets, and since they are a  busy activity, I have used them the past couple of years ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

DIY Foam Sticker Stamps

DIY Foam Sticker Stamps

Create your own homemade stamps with stickers Make your own stamps!This is an easy and fun project. This post shows how to make them with wood blocks (they have a nice weight, and will last a long time), but you can use other materials as well. As always, use what you have. Materials ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

mystery bag game

mystery bag game

This is a great activity to help your child learn about adjectives, and one found in Montessori learning, though typically with two sets of geometric solids. You can describe what you are looking for with words such as smooth, bumpy, round, rough, soft, heavy, light, small, large, ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!



We love playing with tangrams! The Magnetic Travel Tangoes - Animalsset we have is great, but I thought it would be fun to have a larger set to play with as well so we made some! What you need: large piece of cardboard (shirt/cereal box) ruler pencil scissors Optional items: printer  ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

homemade board games

homemade board games

The games we make ourselves always get far more play than ones that were purchased. The best example I have is The Rainbow Game. After what felt like 2000 games of Chutes and Ladders, I decided we needed a game that would move faster. Much, much faster. I grabbed some foam paper ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

you've got mail!

you've got mail!

I cannot understand how this wins out over other games and toys consistently, but it is one of the top three things we do with a box when we get one from our overworked UPS guy. If you activate your imagination mode, it is basically this but cheaper and more fun because you make ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!