Easy Valentine's Day Window Decorations - momgineer

Easy Valentine's Day Window Decorations

Easy Valentine's Day Window Decorations with Paper Scraps

This is a fun and easy project we learned from another fun mom we know. We've done this for other holidays and seasons but I especially love the reds and pinks for V-day! This is something you can do with toddlers, preschoolers, or older kids, and they will all enjoy it.

Gather Your Valentine's Day Materials

Clear contact paper (for lining drawers), scissors, and tissue paper are all you need. I was lucky I had some adorable heart tissue paper, which was perfect for this craft.
1. Cut or tear the tissue paper.
2. Cut out your desired shape from the contact
paper and peel off the backing.

3. Stick your scraps of tissue paper on.
4. Place more contact paper on sticky sides in and trim.

These are really pretty with the light shining through, much like a stained glass window. We did this project in the fall with colorful leaves we had gathered on a walk and that was also fun.

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Easy Valentine's Day window decorations! All you need are tissue paper scraps, clear contact paper, and scissors. | Meredith Anderson - Momgineer

momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

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