June 2020 - momgineer

STEM Challenge for Summer with Buoyancy - Design a Submersible

STEM Challenge for Summer with Buoyancy - Design a Submersible

STEM Challenge for Summer: Design a Submersible!This is one of the more challenge STEM activities I have done with kids over the years! It's also perfect for summer because you will get wet! Warning: You WILL Get Wet with this STEM Challenge Why try this challenge? I can't ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

Virtual PD for Elementary Teachers

Virtual PD for Elementary Teachers

WHOLE Teacher Training and Nurturing Fill in the Blank I am a ___________ teacher. Whatever blank you filled in, you probably also have a missing piece. Do you want to be prepared whether you are teaching in the classroom or in a distance learning environment? Do you ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!