February 2018 - momgineer

Bird Nest STEM Challenge

Bird Nest STEM Challenge

STEM Challenge for Spring: Design and Create a Bird's Nest A nature-based STEM challenge that is fun to create on both a small and large scale: a bird's nest! Support a Growth Mindset with STEM Why try this challenge? In addition to creating something that seems simple (but ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

Simple STEM with Plastic Cups

Simple STEM with Plastic Cups

Plastic Cup STEM Challenges Your Kids will Love Spoiler alert - there is no basic tower challenge in this list. Building towers is a great way to start off any cup STEM challenge, but I have a list of a few some fun and engaging challenges using primarily plastic cups. Some are ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

St. Patrick's Day STEM with a Leprechaun

momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

Is Tpt for Schools Right for You?

Is Tpt for Schools Right for You?

How TpT for Schools Works Your administrator joins TpT for Schools (it's free). They invite you and your colleagues to join. You request resources you need for your students. Your administrator approves and purchases resources for you. The resources are automatically delivered ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

Digital Math Activities for 4th Grade

momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!