End of Year Memory Books: POP UP Style! - momgineer

End of Year Memory Books: POP UP Style!

I have been working on this pop-up book for awhile now and am so excited it's finally finished! Are you looking for something a little different in your end of year memory books this year? How do pop-up memory books sound?

There are base pages (with guides for gluing in the images) as well as the pop up image art. The above pages show the basic book, but I have included several more pages that you can add in based on what you'd like to include.
Fill out the base page and pop up inserts. Color as desired.
Cut out the pop up inserts and fold in half. Fold back the tabs.
Glue in the tabs. Here is the page opened op.
The pop up inserts fold snugly into the book as it closes.
Trim wish washi tape for a fun touch!
This is a fun way to end your year. Pop up books always bring a smile, and the creation of their very own pop up book is a way to instill creative confidence! There is even a page for homeschoolers. I have labeled this activity for grades 2-5, though if you have classroom helpers you could do this with first graders as well. Students in grades 4 and 5 should be able to complete this project independently, while second and third graders might need a little assistance making sure their folds/flaps are creased well and lined up to fold into the book correctly.

You can follow the steps I've shown above to create your own book, or purchase my template by clicking on the image below:

Pop up Memory Book

momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

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