Wacky Zoo - Reuse Old Magazine to Create Fun New Animals - momgineer

Wacky Zoo - Reuse Old Magazine to Create Fun New Animals

Create a Unique Zoo with Old Magazines

Nerd joke: What do you get when you cross a monkey and an elephant? Monkey Elephant sin θ. (More on the cross product of vectors here). This is a fun and easy project even your little ones will love! Combine animals in your imagination and then bring them to life to exhibit a wacky zoo.

How to Make your Wacky Zoo

Cut out portions of animals, glue them onto a colorful background, and draw the rest of the animal. Here are some of the animals we created.

A flamingaffe? Wacky Zoo | Meredith Anderson Momgineer

Create a wacky zoo! Meredith Anderson - Momgineer

Create a Wacky Zoo! Meredith Anderson - Momgineer

How do you like to reuse old magazines?

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Create an unusual and wacky zoo! This is a fun project to do with old nature magazines. Cut out parts of the animals and piece them together or draw your own. | Meredith Anderson - Momgineer

momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

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