February 2012 - momgineer

memory noun game

memory noun game

After playing with the noun cards I printed out last week, the kids wanted to sort them again, but as they were sorting them I thought we could instead use them to play a game. I grabbed a couple of the wooden cubes in my craft stash (the same used in color resemblance sorting) ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

if you give a mouse a cookie activities

if you give a mouse a cookie activities

I stumbled across these cute word cards to go with Laura Numeroff's If You Give A Mouse A Cookie (the collection is worth having; it even has an audio cd so you can listen to the stories on the go). There are also some domino cards and other activities listed there, but I thought ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!