November 2011 - momgineer

pipe hype

pipe hype

What you need: PVC pipe of various length (a pipe cutter helps) connectors (elbows, Ts, etc.) marbles, balls, or cars (depending on the diameter of pipe you have) Just let them at it. =) If it is warm out, add water for even more fun! Add a box for stability (cut out holes ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

Exploring Momentum with Marbles and Balls

Exploring Momentum with Marbles and Balls

Hands-on Force and Motion Exploration  This is a fun activity I set up one morning for my kids; it's one that requires little input from you because they will quickly come up with many ways to set it up. What you need: marbles or balls scale train tracks, car tracks, ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!