October 2011 - momgineer

Nature Activitiy for Kids: Leaf and Bark Rubbing Journal

Nature Activitiy for Kids: Leaf and Bark Rubbing Journal

Create a Leaf and Bark Journal I ordered some blank books in advance of this project, but you could easily do this on paper. Autumn is the perfect time of year to do this in the northeast! We gathered leaves for rubbings from our immediate neighborhood and did bark rubbings while ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

window ghosts

window ghosts

These were done basically the same way as our Valentine's Day window decorations. The kids really love tearing up tissue paper so I always save as much as I can from gifts or packaging. What you need: clear contact paper tissue paper, torn or cut into small pieces stickers or stick ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

sink or float?

sink or float?

This is a fun experiment to do, because the kids can decide which of their toys/craft supplies they would like to test (as long as they are waterproof). It can be surprising which items will float in water and which items will sink. This is hands-on learning of buoyancy and density! Part ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

painting pine cones

painting pine cones

This is a great activity to do outside on a nice autumn day. It is a wonderful fine motor and attention-building activity; painting an entire pine cone takes a lot of focus and time. Collect your pine cones on a nature walk ahead of time if you don't have any nearby. I ended up ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!