May 2011 - momgineer

homemade wool balls

homemade wool balls

This is a task for either an adult or an older child due to the sharpness of the needle. You will be cursing if you poke yourself with a felting needle! These take a bit of time but the result is a nice homemade ball that is completely customizable. You can get needles and roving ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

encouraging imaginary play

encouraging imaginary play

Imaginary play is not my forte. I don't know if H&F just didn't fall far from my imagination-less tree, or if they would just generally rather do other things, so I try to encourage imaginary play but am always looking for more ideas. One thing that kept them both happily occupied ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

cornmeal lettering

cornmeal lettering

Blogger had a bit of a hiccup the other day and lost this post so I'll do my best at reposting what I'd written. We have been very busy this spring and spending much time outside, so although I have a lot of posts half-written, I haven't had longer chunks of time to sit down and ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

Art of Roughhousing Event

Art of Roughhousing Event

There is an Art of Roughhousing event this coming weekend in the greater Boston area, for those who are interested. We attended a workshop in March that was great fun! We have a very busy weekend this weekend so unfortunately I am not able to attend but I wanted to pass it ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

dyeing play silks

dyeing play silks

A few months ago, we had a play silk dyeing party with some friends. We purchased our plain play silks from Dharma Trading Company. To dye them, you will need: a microwave oven a microwave safe bowl (or large glass measuring cup) white vinegar (you will use 1 part vinegar to ...

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momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!