quick light box - momgineer

quick light box

I have always liked the light table at our local children's museum. Due to several recent posts exploring light at Play At Home Mom, I have really been coveting a light table. While I would love to have one, I can't justify the cost without knowing how much use it would get. For our purposes at this point in time, I decided to make a quick test model just to see how long a light table would hold interest.

Playing with color.
What you need:
  • Bin or box with a translucent lid
  • Aluminum foil
  • LED flashlights (regular, if that's all you have!) or holiday lights (a resourceful mom I know used these!)
  • Objects that allow light through!
    • marbles
    • stones
    • tissue paper
    • magna tiles(if you have them)
    • clear plastic bottle (optional) 
    • x-rays

Line your box with aluminum foil. Turn on all the flashlights. Put the lid on.
What it looks like inside.
Turning the flashlights on end so they point toward the lid works well, but was too difficult to see in photos.
Voila! Two minute light table!
It's not perfect, but it definitely served its purpose. I will probably use a larger bin next time, but everything else worked well enough to do again. The tissue paper was great for making colors!
momgineer Meredith Anderson

STEM education is my passion!

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