inside outside - momgineer

inside outside

I thought it might be fun to start a series of photos of what's going on inside and outside. Today was a quiet day, both because of the snow and because we just stayed home without anything major going on. There is something almost eerie-anechoic-chamber-like of certain snowfalls, and today was one of those days. Thankfully there wasn't a huge accumulation, so shoveling didn't take up a significant portion of my day! Inside smelled like yummy goodness, as I mad a half batch of these coconut oatmeal cookies, with slight modifications to make them a little healthier.


Inside again, word work time this morning:
Also, enjoying reading time this morning. H declared Fortunately, the Milk "a good one."

If you have not seen Gaiman reading Cat in the Hat, you must check it out! Thanks to Jen over at HippySticks for linking me to this. It gave me a big smile!

What's going on inside/outside where you are?


  1. Love your adorable blog! I just added it to the Homeschool Chicks blogroll. Happy blogging!

    1. Thanks so much, Tamara! I will go grab the cute button to add to my sidebar.
