November 2013 - momgineer

Are your wish lists ready?

It's that time again! Get 28% off at my store (and most TpT stores) on Monday and Tuesday, December 2nd and 3rd.

I'm not going out shopping on Black Friday, but I will be hanging out at home with my family, and filling up my wish list with all sorts of TpT goodies. Don't forget to leave feedback on all your previous purchases so you can use your TpT credits during the sale! This is a great time to stock up on higher-priced items like bundles. You can be sure I will be adding lots of clip art products to my cart to create more products!

Leaf Relief Art Project

Fall Leaf Art Project

I have been wanting to do this project with the kids ever since reading about it over at Cassie Stephens's blog. We love to do leaf rubbings with crayons every autumn, but this was such a fun new twist, I just couldn't wait to set it up! Yesterday we had unusually warm weather, so we went on a long walk and gathered leaves as we walked. What a rarity to walk around in November without even a sweatshirt or hat on! I think it was 65F but it felt at least 10 degrees warmer with the strong sun! Luckily I already had spray adhesive, spray paint, and very fine steel wool on hand, so all I needed to do was find something to mount the leaves to! I ended up using cardboard, which seemed to work just fine.

After our walk, the kids ate ice cream on the deck while I gathered materials. Then we got to work! After putting on the aluminum foil and rubbing:

Aluminum Foil and Spray Paint Leaf Art!

I spray painted them outside. It was fast-drying paint and was dry within 15 minutes, but we still waited overnight for the next step.

Here's my big kid working on his. He was very excited!
Here's my little kid being his usual silly self. =)

Friday Freebie!

Have you seen this adorable freebie from Erin Palleschi over at Once Upon a Classroom?

What a sweet reader for Thanksgiving time! I know my Kindergartener and 2nd grader will really enjoy this!

Friday Freebies!

Today is a very exciting day for freebies! There is a Facebook Frenzy going on today! It starts today at 8am EST and ends Nov 11th at 8pm EST. The way it works is you go to a Facebook page of someone participating, look for the little "FB Frenzy" tab and click on it. Then, after you have liked that Facebook page, you will be able to download an exclusive freebie and get the link for the next freebie in the hop! What fun!

Here is the map so that you can pick the appropriate grade level(s). After you have collected your freebies, make sure you check out all of the sellers' wonderful TpT pages for more freebies and products! Enjoy!

Facebook Frenzy coming soon!

Are you ready for the next Facebook Frenzy? This is my first time participating and I'm so excited! It's less than a week away now! It's all happening over on Facebook and there will be maps for various grade levels. Mine will be in Grades 4-5 and I will link up the map once it's available.