October 2012 - momgineer


The kids just loved this exhibit at a local children's museum. You put in a play scarf in the opening and it whips around the tubes until the scarf gets shot out at the end of the line. You can change the direction with valves on the structure. Wondering how I can convert the shop-vac to a home version of this. Just had to share because it was so fun! =)

Series of tubes!

felt bats

This is a cute Halloween craft we did last year so I thought I'd share it.

What you need:
  • Felt
  • Needle and thread (or hot glue gun and glue)
  • Straight pins (unless you make a cardboard or paper template)
  • Googly eyes
  • Ribbon
  • Fill/batting 
  • Scissors
I made a template and pined it to another piece of felt to cut out the other side.
Start gluing/sewing together both sides (don't forget ribbon for hanging!)
When it's 75% glued, stuff it! This is a great job for little fingers!
Add googly eyes and you're done!
Why not make a friend?! Love bats!