Listen to This! 10 Great STEM Podcasts for Teachers - momgineer

Listen to This! 10 Great STEM Podcasts for Teachers

Top 10 Podcasts for STEM Teachers and Parents (and finding time to listen to them)

I resisted podcasts for a long time because I didn't think I had time for them. I also prefer to read over listening to get my information, but over time podcasts have really grown on me. Hopefully you are already an avid podcast fiend...but if not (I understand, really) read on anyway for some ideas on how to incorporate these into your life. You might even enjoy them!
Listen on iTunes or wherever you enjoy podcasts. *Please note, most of these are appropriate for kids, too, but I did find a few episodes that I'd pass on sharing with my own kids and listen alone instead.
  1. STEM everyday: Listen to an interview with the EiE founder, or find topics such as STEM projects with an education focus. Integrate STEM into your everyday!
  2. STEM Diversity - This is an interview podcast focuses on professionals with underepresented backgrounds - great for inspiring students who might not think they have what it takes because they don't see STEM professionals that look like them. (yes, they've got it!)
  3. STEAMchannel UCTV - strong focus on design thinking, empathising with the people in need to make sure the design needs are being met. This podcast also includes a series with Sally Ride.
  4. Lab Out Loud - sponsored by the NSTA and includes everything from underwater robots to a Mole Day podcast.
  5. The K12 Engineering Education Podcast, from Pios Labs - a great podcast that explores many facets of K-12 STEM. From the website, "Listen as we try to find better ways to teach and inspire kids in invention, problem-solving, persistence, teamwork, and imagination."
  6. The Naked Scientists Podcasts - Learn about space, questions answered you never even dreamed of asking, and questions you may have asked your kids, such as "Why do people pick their noses?"
  7. The Wired Homeschool - As a fellow homeschooling parent, I was thrilled to find this one. It's great for parents and teachers, too. Listen to screen time management ideas or about internet safety for kids.
  8. MakerCast - A podcast for makers! Get ideas from these makers for projects you could incorporate into your own classroom.
  9. When you don't have a lot of time: 60 Second Science or Engineering Word of the Day (Engineering WOTD also from Pios Labs)
  10. STEM Read - This is a podcast from NPR that explores the connections between STEM and storytelling. As someone who enjoys making a literacy-STEM connection, this one had to make my top 10 list.

Tips for Finding Time to Listen to Podcasts

You might think you don't have time to listen to podcasts. I know I felt this way until I got a bit creative with the when of it.

Podcast Tip #1 - Listen on your Commute

Maybe just on your ride TO work, since the ride home your brain is probably too tired to pay attention, am I right? Listen any time your hands are occupied - like when you're driving, prepping dinner, braiding your child's hair, or you are getting ready in the morning.

Podcast Tip #2 - Listen on your Workout

This is my favorite way to listen to podcasts. When I'm running, I often like to listen to a playlist I'd find embarrassing to share, but for a few runs a week I switch it up and listen to a podcast. Whether you are pumping iron, walking, running, or doing yoga, try adding a podcast to the mix.

My last tip, though I'm sure not everyone will agree...

Podcast Tip #3 - Speed it UP

I'm going to be honest. I'm not the most patient person I know. It's not something I'm always proud of, and I often have to remind myself to slow down. Sometimes speeding up a podcast slightly can really help, though. I'm not talking about 2X or even 1.5X, but most podcast apps allow you to speed it up to 1.1 or 1.2. It's subtle, but it's something.

If you don't want to speed up the audio, there are apps that can eliminate pauses to save time. Try Overcast with SmartSpeed.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Meredith,

    Thanks for sharing my podcast!

    John Wilkerson
    The Wired Homeschool
